For most of us, growing up is still an option.
Bill West offers these 10 tips to stay young.
1. Ignore nonessential numbers.
By this Bill means age, (over)weight and height.
Let your doctors worry about them.
That’s what you pay them for.
2. Associate only with cheerful friends.
Let the grouches bother somebody else.
3. Turn off the TV and keep learning.
Learn about computers, gardening, music, art.
Never leave your brain in Park.
Idle minds are the devil’s workshop.
4. Enjoy life’s simple things.
Sunrises. Sunsets. Loved ones, Pets.
The wind in the pines. The sound of surf.
5. Laugh often, long and loud.
Laugh until you gasp for breath.
6. Endure, grieve, and move on.
Tears happen when you lose those you love.
You are the only one with you all your life.
Be alive while you are alive.
7. Surround yourself with who and what you love.
Family. Pets. Art. Music. Plants. Hobbies.
Your home is your refuge.
8. Cherish your health.
If it is good, preserve it.
If it is unstable, improve it.
If it’s beyond what you can improve, get help.
9. Don’t take guilt trips.
Take a trip to the mall. To the next county.
To a foreign country. Not where the guilt is.
10. Show those you love that you love them.
If you died today, make sure they know you love them.
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