Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The man who had no feet

A professional writer friend wrote the other day.
He was down in the dumps as are many others.
He feels he's become just another hack writer.
I tried to cheer him up. So I told the truth.
I've known him for 25 years. He's a craftsman.
Talented. Works hard. Highly productive.
He's just going through a dry spell right now.
Lots of people are. It's Biblical.
The seven lean years Joseph taught the pharoah.
Most of us a fortunate. We could have dementia.
Cancer. Liver or heart failure. Dozen of diseases.
Think about the poor shoeless man.
He thought he had it tough until . . .
he met a man who had no feet.
Cheer up. Recovery signs are apparent.
The recession is kicking and screaming but . . .
it's on the way out and it knows it.
Keep your chin up. Seize every opportunity.
Remember Winston Churchill: "Never give in."
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Becky McCrary said...

Thank you for the reminder, Jerry. It's been tough. But the horizon is getting brighter. My favorite boss, JoAnn Cline, used to say, "Nothing too good and nothing too bad ever lasts too long."

Mark Bostic said...

Man it has been tough, I figure when we make it through this we'll all feel like we've accomplished something. I'm starting to see light at the end of the tunnel, though. When they say adversity makes you stronger, well I guess there's going to be millions of super strong Americans when this is finally over.