Thursday, May 1, 2008

The language of leadership

Ever tried to learn to speak another language?
How difficult was it to pronounce those foreign words?
Leadership has its own language, too.
Here’s a lesson in the language of leadership:
"Lead people — manage things."
Four simple words. Powerful message.
Leaders concentrate on doing the "right" things.
Managers work on doing things the "right" way.
Both skills are necessary for success.
Years ago, a talented sales manager worked with us.
Once, I marked ads in a competitor’s newspaper with a note:
"Why didn’t we get these ads, Bert?"
Bert didn’t get angry or defensive.
All he said was, "I feel like you’re trying to manage me."
It wasn’t a compliment.
Bert taught me an important lesson that day.
Leaders say, "Let’s do it together".
Not "You go do it and report back to me."
It’s powerful when a leader says "Let’s do it together".
Similar lessons are in my book:
"Lead People, Manage Things".
It’s at

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