Friday, May 16, 2008

Please help me achieve a BIG dream

Usually on Friday we share a favorite recipe.
Instead, I want to share something far bigger today:
A mission, a goal and a dream you can help with.
Some years ago our family operated a printing plant.
Our son David worked there with another young man.
"Dad," he told me one day, "Jimmy can’t read."
That shook me. In our country, someone can’t read?
David himself had problems in school.
He is super bright and super active.
School officials wanted to put him on Ridilan.
We fought them and won. But David had a problem.
He was dyslexic. He had problems reading.
So here’s the mission, the goal and the dream.
My mission is to eradicate illiteracy.
My dream is to help kids with learning disabilities.
My goal is to sell 20 million books.
That will generate $200 million.
We can help a lot of young people with $200 million.
My new book, "Your Life’s Great Purpose" is ready.
You can order a copy at
I will personally autograph it for you.
Help put this book in the hands of 20 million people.
It can cut years off their journey to success.
Thanks for sharing a mission, a goal and a dream.
I hope you have a great weekend.
Monday: An Essential Entrepreneur strategy.

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