Thursday, February 19, 2009

Managing our most valuable resource

What would you say is your most valuable resource?
If you run a business, you might say your customers.
They are inside ones (employees) and outside ones (clients).
What if you have no employees or clients?
You might say your spouse, kids, home, job and bank account.
All these are important assets. But they aren’t the most valuable.
Time is. It's the great equalizer. It levels the playing field.
Whether rich or poor, we all have the same 24 hours a day.
None of us can buy even an extra five minutes.
What’s most important is how we manage this valuable asset.
Time management really means self-management.
Any idea how much time you waste every day?
If you did, it would frighten you.
Our sales staff tracks the time they spend selling each day.
Their goal is to increase that selling time every week.
They count only when they are talking with a client or prospect.
Drive time, paper work, getting coffee don’t count.
My new book, "Selling by the Numbers", teaches you to track yours.
Ruth King will talk with me about the book at 10 a.m. tomorrow.
Go to
Scroll down the Channel Schedule to the link in the calendar.
You can watch it on your desktop or your laptop.
It’s only 30 minutes. You will learn about our success systems.
You can’t beat the price. Absolutely free. It will change your life.
By the way, the book is available now. Just click here.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The secrets of success

Too many of us think of success as a destination. It isn’t.
Success is a journey. A pursuit. A passion to excel.
Success at anything is only temporary. A fleeting joy.
We’re only as good as today’s successes. Not yesterday’s.
Those who succeed repeatedly and often develop systems.
Their systems are based on what works for them.
We have studied success in business, sales, sports and life.
We have field tested their tactics. We found what works for us.
If you do that, learning from masters, you will succeed, too.
You’ll measure success in high productivity. Peak performance.
I’ve pulled together 17 of these success strategies in a new book.
"Selling by the Numbers" tells you how to succeed.
It shows you what we have taught others to help them succeed.
Ruth King will talk with me about this book at 10 a.m. Friday.
Write it in your appointment book. 10 a.m. Friday.
Ruth’s Business Book Club at
It’s only 30 minutes but you will learn about our success systems.
You can’t beat the price. It’s absolutely free.
Invest 30 minutes of your time with us. It will change your life.
The book will be available on our web site later this week.
Be patient with our Internet Marketing Director Jim Howard.
He’s working hard on it right now. See you Friday.