Tuesday, November 2, 2010

How to think creatively

Are you a convergent or a divergent thinker?
Are you perhaps a bit of both?
In divergence you think of many solutions to a problem.
In convergence you think of the best single solution.
Both are ways of thinking creatively.
Both are based on experience, knowledge and hunches.
For example, what’s the best use of a brick?
To smash windows or build homes?
That’s convergent thinking.
Now think how many ways you could use bricks.
That’s divergent thinking.
This is important because it fuels creativity.
In “blue sky” problem solving, generate solutions.
Many ideas may be whacky or unrealistic.
But an absurd idea may spark another’s brilliance.
There is one rule in this kind of problem solving:
No ideas are rejected or their creator’s chastised.
Divergence will lead to the best solution.
Generate many solutions, whacky or weird.
Then pick the solution most likely to succeed.
This is one of many paths to success.
Our new book outlines 22 important ones.
It’s written by 22 entrepreneurs and titled:
“Killer Secrets of Successful Entrepreneurs”.
For details, email JerryBellune@yahoo.com

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