Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Reward the right behavior

Our friend Becky McCrary was concerned about her father.
‘Mama called to tell me how badly Daddy was doing,’ she said.
‘He slept 12-14 hours a day. He was lethargic. He didn’t talk.
‘I was coming home and she wanted to prepare me.’
Becky and Scott got there for Father’s Day.
‘Within 30 minutes, we were telling stories about my grandparents.
‘Daddy loves that. At one point, he whistled.
‘Father’s Day was incredible.
‘Daddy held my hand during the worship service.
‘He was alert the entire day. He wore his hearing aids, a miracle.
Becky says people continue behavior that gets a response.
Negative or positive doesn’t matter. They just want attention.
Her Daddy wanted attention. Silence had got it for him.
‘I’m not so naive as to believe that my visit cured Daddy.
‘But every day isn’t a bad day.’
Don’t look for something to complain about.
Focus on what you want. Smile and be positive.
Reward good behavior and positive attitudes.
That’s what leaders do to teach their teams what’s expected.
MacLeod and I drive to Orange Beach on the Gulf tomorrow.
Part vacation, part work with a new leadership program.
I’m teaching how to assess your own leadership skills.
If you’re interested in this training, please email me.
You can reach me at

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Five 'H's for success

Fellow consultant Bob Bobber preaches five ‘H’s for success.
The fifth ‘H’ for success is ‘Harmony’.
Bob says all of us need harmony in our lives.
Whether it’s your family, your faith, your hobbies, whatever.
Don't let work consume you no matter how passionate you are.
As a young man Bob was consumed with one passion.
He wanted to become a newspaper publisher.
It almost cost him his marriage.
"I missed some great moments with my children," he says.
"Then someone made the comment I will never forget:
"No one on their death bed says, ‘I wish I had worked more.’
Bob’s other 4 ‘H’s are
• Hard work.
• Humility.
• Honesty.
• Humor.
Post those five ‘H’s beside your computer.
They’re worth remembering and living by.
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