Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Life’s five critical questions

I’ve been reading Michael Masterson’s “Ready, Fire, Aim”.
Masterson writes about three critical career questions.
They are good ones but I have amended them.
I believe you should ask yourself five critical questions.
And not just today. Ask them of yourself often.
1. What am I doing in my life and career?
2. Where and when do I want to do it?
3. With whom do I want to do it?
Now here are the two additional questions from me:
4. For whom am I committed to doing it?
5. What great purpose does it serve?
Your answers should all align with the final two questions.
For what great purpose am I working?
And who should benefit from my labors?
You want to blur the line between work and fun.
Your work and your life should become your passions.
Here’s another question for you:
Am I keeping my passions in balance?
You might look at life as a three-legged stool.
One leg is your work, career, pursuit of wealth.
Wealth can be a goal in and of itself.
For many of us, it buys security for our families.
It buys us independence and freedom to live fully.
But it is only one leg of life’s stool.
Are you balancing your stool with the other two legs?
One of those is family and all those you love and care for.
One is your faith in a Higher Power who speaks to you.
Do you dare answer these questions for yourself?
Do you dare send me your answers?
For more on putting purpose in your life, click here.
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