Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Escape the limitations trap

I believe I can do anything I set my mind to.
My parents instilled this in their children.
There are two kinds of limitations.
One is a real limitation that we must accept.
I’m no NFL quarterback. Too old. Lack the talent.
No movie star. Mine’s the perfect face for radio.
Be realistic about what you can do. Where you can go.
Don’t just depend on your talents.
Determination is needed. Persistence, too.
George Will said talent will take you just so far.
Then you must work to become a craftsman.
Self limitation is a truly crippling belief.
Many people hurt themselves with such beliefs.
They say “I can’t” so often they believe it.
Tiger Woods berated his bad shots at the Masters.
Did that improve his game? Not at all.
It just made him feel worse about himself.
He became a man in torment.
Not the world’s most competitive player.
Watch what you say to yourself.
Learn to laugh at your own mistakes.
Learn from them. That’s what they’re for.
Our failures teach us more than our successes.
It doesn’t make failure more palatable.
But failure has great value. Embrace it.
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