Monday, February 21, 2011

How to win every argument

MacLeod has trained me
to agree with her always

Do you and the people you love often disagree?
Relax. Most of us do. Or we would be spineless.
My wife is a woman with strong convictions.
It's natural that we sometimes disagree.
It’s not the end of the world.
It may even clear the air.
The secret is to find ways for both of you to win.
Here are nine tips to help you make that happen.
1. Don’t ignore an issue.
Face up to it and discuss it.
2. Timing is critical.
Discuss it when neither of you are angry.
3. Choose words carefully.
You can’t take them back.
4. Make no assumptions.
Ask why the other person feels that way.
5. Listen to their reasoning.
You might learn something important.
6. Be willing to see their side.
They have a side of the story, too.
7. Agree to disagree.
That’s a real sign of respect.
8. Be flexible.
That’s a sign of maturity.
9. Find a solution you both can accept.
That’s a win-win for both of you.
Share these nine tips with your loved ones.
Practice them together the next time you disagree.
Strong-willed people have minds of their own.
Believe me, there will be a next time.

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