Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Leaving a legacy

First responders carry Father Mychal Judge’s body.
He was one of the first victims of the 9-11 attack.

Where were you at 8:48 a.m. ET Sept. 11, 2001?
Most of us will always remember that moment.
Our feelings. Where we were. What we thought.
But think about this: What if you are 12 or younger?
What would you remember about 9-11??
You aren’t old enough to remember the horror.
Sure, you will have seen photos. Know what it was about.
It is up to us to teach our younger generations about it.
To teach them the lessons 9-11 taught us.
About terrorism. About courage. About our people.
I recently spent a day with 96 WWII vets in Washington.
We had flown there to visit the WWII Memorial.
The Korean and Vietnam War Memorials.
Arlington and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
We had done it to honor them for their roles in WWII.
These men and women are modest about their sacrifices.
I’m old enough to remember the horror of Pearl Harbor.
I was only a child. But most of you probably don’t.
But you know what it was about. How it rallied us.
Awoke a sleeping giant. Saved the world from tyranny.
We should never forget Pearl Harbor. Or 9-11.
They are not just history. They tested our resolve.
Make sure we leave this legacy to our children.
Not just the horror. But the bravery and the courage.
The first responders who ran toward the towers to help.
The ones who went forward as everyone else fled.
The ones who gave their lives to save others.
Will we go forward when it’s the right way?
To make our own sacrifices when we need to?
That can be our legacy to future generations.

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