Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Pay for performance

Tiger Woods may be the best pro golfer in the world.
But he wasn’t last weekend in the Masters at Augusta.
Phil Mickelson was the best in this single tournament.
It couldn’t have happened to a nicer, friendlier guy.
Phil and his family have had a rough time of it lately.
His mother and his wife Amy were diagnosed with cancer.
Amy gamely made it to Augusta National for the final day.
She was there beaming when Phil won the tournament.
Pro golfers play in a tough league. They can’t afford bad days.
You have a bad day as a pro golfer, you have a bad pay day.
Golf is one sport that pays solely for performance.
Most team sports don’t. You have a bad day, you’re still paid.
In business, we can’t afford bad days.
No money in. No money out. Sales is like that, too.
You don’t sell, you don’t collect a commission.
That’s what I like best about sales and business.
If you succeed, you’re rewarded. If you don’t, you won’t.
It’s just that simple. So don’t complain.
If more jobs were paid on performance, more would get done.
A friend of ours set up a meritocracy in his business.
If the business had a good month, everyone shared in the profit.
If the month was poor, there was no profit to share in.
We’re fortunate in our business. Our people work hard.
We’re up 151.6% at the bottom line year to date over 2009.
We’re up 242.7% this March over March 2009.
How was your March? Was it this good?
Want to know how we did it?
Email me at JerryBellune@yahoo.com
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