Monday, December 12, 2011

Get more done in less time

Do you feel overwhelmed with work?
Most of us do, particularly at this time of year.
We have our regular tasks plus getting ready for the holidays.

Here are 3 strategies to help you ease your work and holoiday burdens.

1. Learn to say no.
This is hard for me to do, too.
I’m a patsy for anyone who asks.
My bride stays on my case about this.
And she should be. She’s helping me.
She’s taught me - reluctantly - to say no.

2. Guard your time.
None of us has more than 24 hours a day.
But we always have 25 hours of work to do.
If we don’t value our time no one else will either.
Just say “Not now. Please ask me later.”
Say that enough and others will learn.
They will come to appreciate your time.

3. Get rid of non-essentials.
We all have too much busy work to do.
Delegate it. Delay it. Or dump it.
Make a short list of the really vital projects.
List three you might do today. No more.
Rate them in order of priority.
Put the high payoff projects first.
Everything else can wait for you.
Do these three. I promise you a better 2012.

Next: Your family time.