Tuesday, August 3, 2010

15 magic words

Margaret and Al Walker
know all 15 magic words

Our “Two words for a happy marriage” triggered response.
Professional speaker Al Walker was the first to reply.
Comedian Jeff Allen says there are15 words, Al wrote.
All husbands should memorize and use them often.
It doesn’t hurt if their spouses use them, too.
Jeff’s 15 words are:
“I am sorry.”
“You were right.”
“I was wrong.”
“Please forgive me.”
“I love you.”
Al starts with “I am sorry” and magic happens.
His wife Margaret says the other 11 words for him.
This leaves him with a shred of dignity and a chuckle.
And it always diffuses whatever might have been going on.
Living together happily is a challenge for both spouses.
If you married for love, it somehow seems easier.
But memorize Jeff’s 15 words and use them.
And remember “Yes, dear” always works. It never fails.
You’ll probably earn a hug and a kiss.
Maybe even more after the lights are out.

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