Sunday, September 11, 2011

Is reconciliation possible?

Mike Henderson has returned from Africa.
It is his 19th mission to the Dark Continent.
Mike is a former chemical engineer.
Today he is a Methodist minister.

During apartheid, Mike was smuggled into Soweto.
That was a black area South Africa set up.
Blacks and whites were separated by law.
Mike was illegally in Soweto.
He met inmates from Robben Island Prison.
They had been incarcerated with Nelson Mandela.
A former inmate said he knew they would be freed.
He just did not know how long it would take.
In prison, he committed to reconciliation.
He wouldn’t do to others what was done to him.
That takes a strong faith to take such a pledge.
Particularly after generations of apartheid.

I asked Mike his thoughts on reconciliation today.
Is it possible to reconcile ourselves with jihadists?
With people who envy, hate and would kill us?
Who believe it is Allah’s will that they destroy us?
Or to drag us back into the 17th Century with them?
These are questions for us in the wake of 9-11.
We have had 10 years to think about 9-11’s meaning.
I don’t know what you’ve learned but I’m interested.
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