Thursday, June 19, 2008

Becoming more creative

Yesterday we discussed tapping your inner resources.
Today we’ll discuss steps to becoming more creative.
1. Develop a rhythm.
Set a schedule you can live with. One that works for you.
Awake at the same hour and you’ll do it automatically.
Develop good habits. Eat sensibly. Drink moderately.
Exercise your mind and your body.
When I was young and impulsive, I abhorred routine.
Now I find it stimulating. I know what comes next.
Writing this blog each morning gets my juices flowing.
Find whatever it is that gets you flowing each morning.
2. Become a reporter.
Keep a small notebook with you all the time.
It may be your journal or just notecards.
Record observations, ideas, feelings, epiphanies.
Draw pictures in your journal.
Note what you did, read, listened to, experienced.
Record what impact these had on you.
3. Constantly learn and understand.
Life is a feast for the mind, the body and the heart.
Listen closely. See the other person’s perspective.
Keep an open and curious mind about everything.
Talk with strangers. Listen to their stories.
It’s amazing what people will tell you if you listen.
Listening attentively is a great compliment.
People are hungry to be heard.
4. Practice. Practice. Practice.
Practice the exercises you learn in this blog.
Practice your music to become a musician.
Practice your art to become an artist.
Practice your craft to become a writer.
Practice your speaking to become a speaker.
Find stories and lessons in your life.
Learn from your setbacks and failures.
Share these lessons with others. Help them grow.
Tomorrow we’ll share a real South Carolina treat.
For more creative strategies, click here.

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