Wednesday, June 11, 2008

File it or forget it

Yesterday we talked about controlling our "In" boxes.
Today we’ll talk about our next important step.
Do you feel as if you’re swimming in paperwork?
What are you saving all that stuff for?
You think there’s going to be a paper shortage?
Most of us save documents because we "might need them".
Guess what? You probably won’t.
If you must, put the "stuff" in your filing cabinet.
Label the folders so you can find the stuff later.
Act on the rest. Or throw them away.
That’s right. Trash them. They impede progress.
They clutter our desks and our lives.
Half the documents in your "In" box should be trashed.
Take a look. Am I right?
Remember the 3 Ds: Do it. Delegate it. Or Discard it.
It’s that simple.
Don’t make life worse than it has to be.
For another success strategy, click here.
Tomorrow we’ll talk about controlling your time.
See you then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You were wrong! I just tackled my IN box. When I started ten minutes ago, it was about three inches high. Now, all but two sheets of paper are in my IN box and the Round File is three inches deep. Thanks for the tip.
-The Chaplain has written!