Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The 15-minute rule

Last time we talked about how dissent helps the best leaders.
Today we’ll talk about one of your most valuable assets.
A prospect called one of our account executives the other day.
They had to see her right away. She couldn’t go.
She had other appointments. She suggested 11 a.m.
Fine, they said. She showed up at 11. The store was crowded.
Could she wait while they took care of their customers?
She waited. A salesman dropped by. They just had to see him.
She waited an hour before they could discuss business.
She made a proposal. They wanted to think about it.
Could she come back in two hours? She agreed to call by phone.
Two hours later she called and they had changed their minds.
They didn’t want what they were so excited about after all.
That was worse than discourteous. It was disrespectful.
It was disrespectful to her and her valuable time.
They wasted a valuable 90 minutes of her day.
So we’ve adopted the 15-minute rule. That's all we'll wait.
"If you can’t see me now. I'll call back," we tell prospects.
Our time is one of our most valuable assets. We protect it.
Time is one of yours, too. How do you protect it?
For more on time and asset management, click here.
For a unique holiday gift for someone you love, click here.

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