Thursday, February 12, 2009

Make the most of your opportunities

We talked with Tom Ledbetter’s FastTrak class the other evening.
They are diverse. 60% female. 80% minority. 100% entrepreneurial.
His students’ enthusiasm for success always impresses me.
They see the opportunities that are all around us every day.
One is a young entertainment attorney just starting his practice.
Three have inventions. One of their inventions could save your life.
One manages properties. Another sells them, in retirement.
One sells convenience. He washes vehicles where you live or work.
They heard about the 10 businesses we’ve started or acquired.
They heard about the 80-hour weeks and other sacrifices we made.
They heard about living off savings until your business is profitable.
They heard about our failures and what we learned from them..
In life and in business, find mentors. Learn from their mistakes.
We don’t need to repeat mistakes others have already made
Learn also how they succeeded and what success cost them.
Be willing to pay the price. Or find something else to do in your life.
It’s simple. Make your plan. Weigh the costs. Take action.
And it will be hard. But hard doesn’t mean hopeless.
We’ll talk more about this next week. For help, click here.

1 comment:

Jerry said...

As I finish my 37th year in this business, I agree with you completely on the subject of passion. For years I read biographies and autobiographies about successful people like Donald Trump, Colin Powell, Lee Iaccoca, Dan Rather, Al Neuharth, George Stephnopolis, Hank Aaron, Vince Lombardi, among others and I never found that common thread I was looking for until it hit me one day----it was passion for success in their chosen. All of them had it. Grant it that many suffered in other areas of their lives because of it---many divorces, disconnect with children, limited social life, etc, but all had a passion to do what ever necessary to be the best.

Thanks for confirmation of my theory
Bob Bobber