Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Love what you do

Sam McCuen has been our friend for more than 40 years.
We worked with Sam on a daily newspaper back in the 60s.
Saturday we went to shoot photos of one of his clients.
Afterward I said, "Go have some fun the rest of the weekend."
To which he said, "This is fun. I love what I do."
Sam and I both share that kind of passion for our work.
It’s never a job. It’s a calling. And it’s always fun.
Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.
Seth Godin cites an example in his leadership book, "Tribes".
He was checking email in a Jamaican hotel lobby at 4 a.m.
Why at this early morning hour? He couldn’t sleep.
A late partying couple walked by headed for their room.
"Isn’t that sad," one said loud enough for Seth to hear.
"This guy comes here on vacation and he’s checking his email.
"He can’t even enjoy his two weeks off."
Seth’s unspoken response: You’re the really sad one, lady.
You come here on vacation to get away from what you do.
Other than sleeping, Seth was doing what he wanted to do.
My family may not understand why I write at 3 a.m.
That’s when my muse starts working.
It doesn’t matter that I’m not sleeping. I’m doing what I love.
If you don’t feel like that, I’m not going to feel for you.
I’m going to challenge you to go find what it is that you love.
Find a way to do it and get paid for it.
That’s why God placed you here in this life.
Find your purpose and join Sam, Seth and me.
You'll become a deliriously happy person, too.
To tell me I’m full of beans, click on "comment" below.
For more on succeeding in business and in life, click here.
P.S. Our big book sale is coming up. Details Thursday.


Ed Henninger said...


Excellent points this week. I have been working for myself for 20 years now and i wouldn't trade that for anything. I love my work. Tho only time I'm unhappy is when business gets slow and there's not enough to do. Then...I create something to do that will serve me well in the future.

Oh...and sometimes I paint rooms in the house.


Dan Harmon said...

To me, this is your finest blog ever. Makes me wish. But what can we do when the "work/play" we really *yearn* to do doesn't generate income and we're forced to perform other, far less enjoyable, work to earn a living?

Bill Barley said...

Did you ever think that somebody might find out that we love what we do and might make us stop? I've been accused of being a workaholic and addicted to photography - guilty as charged. It's like the other passions of life, the highs are worth the effort.
But I've learned to back off and take it easy at times.


Mark Bostic said...

Had to comment, since I'm blessed to be doing a job that I'd do for free if I couldn't get paid. Being in the home design business, I'm a little closer to that area than I'd like right now, but I'm not anywhere near giving it up. If you have a passion I believe there's always a way to make it pay, no matter what it may be. Part of the reward is making it do so without undue negatives such as being a "workaholic". A job that you love can be the greatest thing in the world, but as with any other great passion it must be under control lest it will drain the energy from other necessary parts of your life, home, family, faith. Balance carefully and the rewards are multiplied, lose balance and every joy will be tainted with guilt.