Thursday, October 22, 2009

Critics welcome

Did I say that? Critics welcome. Yes. That’s what I said.
Szu Shelden is working with me to create a new web site.
Why should you care? Because the site will:
1. Give you fresh ideas every week.
2. Be highly interactive and open to your ideas.
3. Give you a new way of thinking about web sites.
4. Inspire you to innovate more on your own site.
Why would you want a more innovative site?
Well, duh. Who wouldn’t want to create excitement?
Who wouldn’t want to challenge others to think?
Who wouldn’t want to interact with other creative thinkers?
Who wouldn’t want to make a difference to others?
Who wouldn’t want to change the world for the better?
Don’t have a site? Don’t think you need a site?
Maybe you don’t need one. But I’ll bet you do.
Szu joins me in inviting you to see what we’re doing.
It’s a work in progress. Analyze it. Criticize it.
Tell us what you like. What you hate. What’s boring.
Join our creative team. Think like the genius you are.
It will spur your own creativity and innovative thinking.
To look at what we’re doing, please email me.
I’ll send you a link and welcome your comments.

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