Thursday, February 11, 2010

Improve your bottom line

In this economy, here's the burning question:
How many ways can I improve my bottom line?
Here are five strategies to get you thinking:
1. Cut each frill that doesn't add client value.
That's right. If it doesn't add value, it must go.
Every dime saved goes straight to the bottom line.
2. Add value without giving away the store.
Here's where we must be innovative.
Anyone can add value with enough money,
The trick is to add value without adding cost.
3. Find new offerings to sell to current clients.
Your clients should be the easiest to sell to.
They already trust and have confidence in you.
What else can you offer to improve their lives?
4. Find new clients to help improve their lives.
This is the most expensive but is necessary.
We lose 15% of our clients every year. Count on it.
They die, move away or decide to buy elsewhere.
5. Widen our profit margins incrementally.
I know it's tough but we need to raise prices.
It may be tiny in this economy but do it.
Inflationary creep will kill your margins.
We will be talking about these strategies Tuesday.
Business at Lunch at the Lexington Chamber.
11:30 - 12:30 and you get lunch, too.
Call 359-6113 to reserve your seat.
Can't make it but want to read my notes?
Email me at
Got a bottom line idea for the rest of us?
Please click on Post a Comment below.

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