Monday, January 3, 2011

A challenge for 2011

Earl and Diana Nightingale
knew the strangest secret

Earl Nightingale changed lives with six words.
“We become what we think about,” Earl said.
Pity those who have no great purpose in life.
Think about nothing, you become nothing.
You live with fear, anxiety and worry.
Why do we become what we think about?
This is Earl's answer:
He called it the "strangest secret".
Suppose a farmer has good, fertile land.
The land gives the farmer a choice.
He may plant what he chooses. The land doesn’t care.
Your mind, like land, doesn’t care what you plant.
It will return what you plant.
The farmer can plant corn or deadly nightshade.
The land will return what he planted.
The human mind is far more fertile.
Yet it works like the land.
It doesn’t care what we plant - success or failure.
What we plant is what we will reap.
The mind is the last unexplored continent on earth.
It contains riches beyond our wildest dreams.
It will return anything we want to plant.
Lets heed Earl Nightingale’s advice in 2011.
Plant corn - not nightshade.
Fill you mind with rich, positive seeds.
Read, think, listen to others, explore.
Unlock the great well of creativity inside yourself.
For more on achieving great purposes, click here.
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Anonymous said...

Good column, Jerry! And I would add that whatever seed you plant, for good or for ill, comes back " a hundredfold" ( to quote Jesus). So, like you said, be mindful of what you sow in that fertile field of your mind. said...

I obviously have been thinking about the wrong stuff. So, maybe less 'news' and more productive thought. I will take your advice and monitor what I am planting in this fertile ground. Good blog.