Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Get what you want

Keep a daily diary.
Write in it and draw pictures.

Examine the lessons of your day.
Set your goals for tomorrow.

Napoleon Hill practiced this regularly.
Hill wrote the classic “Think and Grow Rich”.
He offers this sage advice:
Note in your diary your good deeds.
Don't let a day end without acts of kindness.
The benefits will be cumulative.
It will place you in the hearts of others.

My mother’s generosity was well-known.
Friends extolled her generosity after her death.

Her children had no idea what she had done.
She knew what giving was all about.

For every favor you receive, give two to others.
The law of increasing returns will operate in your favor.
You get everything you are entitled to receive.

Our friend Ted McGee faithfully practices this law.
Ted gives his time and money to many good causes.
He runs a thriving business but finds time for others.
Ted says the more he gives, the more he receives.
It is fundamental to the Law of Attraction.
The more you do for others, the more they do for you.

This is a two-way highway that must be repaved daily.
Start with your diary.
Note what you did today for others.
This will enforce the idea until it becomes automatic.
Tell me about yout own charitable activities.
Do it in Post a Comment below.

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