Saturday, June 4, 2011

A life-changing 3 minutes

We are on our way to a celebration today.
We are celebrating the life of my wife’s mother.
She was a strong woman, a warrior’s wife.
She raised four children as he fought for us.
He was a career military lawyer and fighter pilot.
She was a warrior, too.
She kept the home fires going.
She lived 90 full years before God called her home.
Those were 90 successful years as a great role model.
She taught me more than she ever realized.
She and her husband were suspicious of me at first.
I was a newspaper editor - cause for concern.
Most mainstream media is and was super liberal.
They worried who their daughter had brought home.
Over time we became comfortable with each other.
They found I was not some two-headed monster.
We shared similar values and beliefs.
We were proud and grateful to be Americans.
I was thinking of her when I received a video today.
It was excerpted from “The Strangest Secret”.
Many of us know about Earl Nightingle who wrote it.
Earl and his great voice were always inspiring.
This short video comes courtesy of Mac Anderson.
Mac calls his inspiring newsletter “Simple Truths”.
I’m writing to share it with you today.
It will take three minutes of your time.
Those three minutes just might change your life.
Think about and practice Earl’s message.
For Earl’s inspiring message, click here.

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