Sunday, February 19, 2012

Never lose hope

We once offered our readers a lifetime newspaper subscription.
I don’t recall the price.
It was something like $250.
Our first taker was a reader in her 80s.
Now that’s what you might call optimism.

Our friend Ron Isbell calls it hope.
Ron owns and operates three N.C. newspapers.
He has been having a battle with cancer.
He’s undergone several surgeries for tumors.
Some were on his spine, a high risk spot to operate.
Ron is sharing this experience with his readers.
Here’s the opening sentence in last week’s column:
"Nothing shows hope like buying green bananas."
Those who have battled cancer know what he means.
If you have a loved one with cancer, you know, too.
The rest of us can only imagine what it’s like.
Buying green means you'll be around when they ripen.

Cancer is not the death warrant it once was.
Many survive it and go on with their lives.
I’m praying Ron’s one who survives.
Life is filled with tests of character.
Cancer is only one of them.

I've had a cardiac condition for many years.
I like to joke that it proves I have a heart.
That’s not a claim all newspaper editors can make.
There will be much rejoicing if I make it to heaven.
They don’t get many newspaper editors up there.

What fuels my hope is my long bucket list.
Countries to visit. People to meet. Books to write.
CDs and DVDs. Newsletters and columns.
I hope you have a long bucket list, too.
It will fuel your hopes and drive your success.
It will help you realize your life’s great purpose.

For more on your purpose I recommend a little book.
It’s called "Your Life’s Great Purpose".
For a copy email me at

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