Sunday, April 22, 2012

Who’s your competition?

How much thought have you given to:
1. Your client turnover?
Is it higher than 20% a year?
15% move, die or switch to a competitor.
Is your turnover higher than this?
Start looking for what’s driving them away.
Or . . . worse . . . who’s luring them away.
2. Your client retention strategies?
Do you have a retention plan?
Do your colleagues know what it is?
Do you discuss it briefly at staff meetings?

Many businesses fail for one simple reason:
They don’t see through skeptical client eyes.
They are too close to their businesses.

Our clients are not fools.
They have a strong sense of smell.
They want us to be the best.
They want us to succeed.
Yet they measure us gainst everyone else.
Is their barber or hairdresser friendlier than we are?
Does their dentist take better care of their needs?
Who delivers greater value?
Who gives them more memorable experiences?

Our competition isn’t only those who do what we do.
Our competition is anyone who pleases our prospects.

Our clients’ reasons for leaving us are endless.
Pay attention to every single detail you can control.
That is real leadership in your business.
Take care of them and they will take care of you.
Want a free peek at my new peak performance book?
“What It Costs to Be the Boss” may change your life.
Just email me at this address.
Please send mailing address and phone number.
I’ll send you a three-chapter sampler from the book.

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