Sunday, July 8, 2012

How to get what you want

This is a story about a budding entrepreneur. It’s a story marketing guru Dan Kennedy tells on himself.
Dan wanted to become a millionaire.
That was back when a million meant something.
Congress has taught us it’s really chump change. Or at least it is to them. But it’s our tax money.

Dan read about a millionaire in his hometown.
Dan applied for a job with the millionaire.
He was told no jobs were available.
He asked to speak with the millionaire.
"He’s busy. We’ll take you name and number."
Dan called back the next day. Same runaround.
He called again six times a day for four days.
He even sent a letter by messenger.
He made a monstrous nuisance of himself.
The gatekeeper told the boss about this pest.
Her millionaire boss was amused.
He asked her to arrange an appointment.
Anyone that persistent was worth meeting.
He hired Dan to write ad copy for his business.
It was a life saver. Dan was down to his last dollar.

Dan says he often gets what he goes after.That’s because he won’t take no for an answer.
He’s refreshingly persistent . . . or a pest.
But his persistence works.

We occasionally have problems collecting a bill.Ignoring our invoices is a major mistake.
We will call and pester you until you pay.
We will let your suppliers know you are a deadbeat.
We will make your life miserable.
We will even let your store managers know.
You will rue the day you messed around with us.

It does not take a mountain to stop most folks.Dan says a good-sized pebble with do the trick.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how do you rate?
How doggedly persistent can you be?
Are you a 10? Super persistent?
Or are you like most folks who get nada?

Special note to Success Strategies readersWould you like to help improve my new book?
Leadership is the theme. Its title is:
"What It Costs to Be the Boss"
Its premise is that leadership is a learned art.
It is a privilege, honor and responsibility.
Many managers, Few true leaders.
For sample chapters of the book, email me
All I ask is that you give me your evaluation.
Good books are made good by good readers.

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