Thursday, June 26, 2008

A great purpose prepares you for eternity

We live here on earth only 70, 80, 90 or more years.
Sound like a long time? It’s just a short time.
It's our dress rehearsal for eternity.
Knowing that makes our hardships easier to bear.
Make the most of your life while you’re here.
God gives us great opportunities.
Most of us will have many years in this life.
We will have the rest of eternity after that.
We are here to prepare for eternal life.
God is watching what we do with the gifts we receive.
As a child, storytelling was one of my passions.
I did not know why. Now I know.
It is to write books to raise money for a great purpose.
To fight illiteracy and help learning disabilities research.
To make the power of the written work available to all.
That’s what God had in mind for me even as a child.
As an adult, writing and telling stories gives me energy.
It gives me direction and purpose to fulfill my mission.
When I write to you, my purpose fills me with energy.
I know exactly what I want to share with you.
He compelled me to write Your Life's Great Purpose.
God showed me what to write. He guided my fingers.
Can you feel Him guiding you, too?
Tomorrow we’ll take a break for some fun.
For more on finding your purpose, click here.

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