Wednesday, July 30, 2008

How a geeky idea became a smash success

Yesterday we talked about how generosity advances dreams.
Today we’ll talk about a really geeky idea that succeeded.
Why do sports teams have mascots and names for their teams?
It builds brand awareness and fan loyalty, doesn’t it?
You don’t pull for Green Bay. You pull for the Packers.
Robert Stevens ran a small high tech company.
He hired young computer nerds to do the work.
With the growth of technology, Stevens ran into lots of competition.
Enter a vision, a dream and a strategy.
He dressed his tekkies like "The Blues Brothers".
Black suits. Trousers three inches too short showing white socks.
White shirts with a brand name on the front: The Geek Squad.
They drove VW Beetles with the Geek Squad brand name.
The nurds loved being "Geeks". Suddenly it was cool to be a "geek".
Stevens built a thriving nationwide business with a geeky idea.
This differentiated his people and his business from the competition.
Here's a challenge: What lesson can we learn from his example?
What geeky idea might differentiate us from the competition?
Think about that. Write your ideas into your journal.
Tomorrow we’ll talk about the man who revolutionized marketing.
For more about making your dreams come true, click here.

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