Thursday, July 24, 2008

What light will you bring into the world?

Yesterday we talked about examining your life and dreams.
Today we’ll talk about what those dreams can do in real life.
What drove Thomas Edison to become a great inventor?
Edison saw darkness and resolved to light the world.
His experiments failed more than 1,000 times.
He did not give up his vision of a world with electric light.
He said he had found 1,000 ways a light could not be created.
His ultimate success changed our world and the way we live.
Now we enjoy light 24 hours a day, thanks to his tenacity and vision.
Can you imagine what our world would be like without that?
Imagine the primitive conditions we might still live in.
The advances in science and medicine that would not be possible.
Computers. The Internet. This blog. None would be possible.
That took vision and determination. It took faith and courage.
Rarely does anything important come easy or without cost.
Here’s my challenge to you today, this very minute:
What do you see that would further light our world?
What’s your vision and what price are you prepared to pay?
Will you devote your time and energy to a great cause?
Will you help me defeat illiteracy and learning disabilities?
Tomorrow we’ll take a break for a mouth-watering favorite recipe.
For more on realizing your vision, click here.

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