Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What’s your dream?

Yesterday we talked about the importance of examining your life.
Today we’ll talk about examining your dreams.
What did Walt Disney see that hundreds of others did not see?
Walt Disney didn’t just create Mickey and Minnie Mouse.
He envisioned Disneyland, a great playground for young and old.
That vision came one Saturday morning in an unremarkable way.
He and his daughters liked to visit a Los Angeles amusement park.
They loved the park. But something was wrong.
Walt began to see behind the glitter. The reality wasn’t pretty.
The paint was chipped. The rides were not well maintained.
Walt was creative. He was a dreamer — much like you and me.
He began to dream about his own amusement park.
There the paint wasn’t chipped. The rides were well maintained.
He dreamed of an exciting place he called Disneyland.
You know the rest of the story of Disneyland and Disney World.
They attract millions of enthusiasts every year.
It's a must-see experience for children, parents and grandparents.
Where do you see the equivalent of chipped paint in your life?
What dream does this evoke? What better world do you see?
Walt Disney left us a legacy of fun and family togetherness.
What legacy would you leave the world with your dreams?
Tomorrow we’ll talk about another famous dreamer.
For more on your dreams and your purpose, click here.

Coupon clue: What secret do monkeys know?

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