Friday, September 5, 2008

Achieving your big goals in life

Yesterday we talked about why wealth is worth accumulating.
Today we’ll talk about enlarging your life’s big goals.
Scott Middleton inspired me to give away a million dollars a year.
We talked about Scott yesterday. That was Scott’s big goal.
I remembered a young man who worked at our printing plant.
When we discovered Jimmy could not read, he disappeared.
His painful secret had been found out. He must have felt humiliated.
He had fooled us a long time. Now he had been exposed.
My research found there are 42 million Jimmys in our country.
That was a staggering discovery. 42 million American Jimmys.
As a newspaper editor, I feel everyone should be able to read.
It should be an American right. What are they missing in life?
Helping them became my goal. A million a year wouldn’t do it.
So I set a new goal. $20 million over 10 years.
Could I sell 2 million of my books to raise $20 million by 2018?
Then I heard Jack Canfield tell of selling 1 million books in a day.
Wow! God was talking to me through Jack’s voice. Raise my goal.
So the goal now is 20 million books to raise $200 million.
Is that a big enough goal? For now, that’s God’s purpose for me.
But He may ask me to raise the goal later. And, of course, I will.
What’s your life’s big goal? What purpose are you here for?
Write it down. Tape it beside your desk, beside the bathroom mirror.
Think about it every day. God will show you how to achieve it.
Share it with those you love. Send me an email. I’ll help you.
Next week we’ll talk about planning to achieve your big goal.
For a head start on achieving your big goals in life click here.

1 comment:

david santos said...

Great work, Jerry, great!!!
Have a nice weekend.