Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Making a difference in life

Yesterday we talked about teaching children to appreciate wealth.
Today we’ll talk about the bum rap wealth gets.
You read about it in newspapers, see it in movies and on TV.
Spoiled celebrities and the idle rich seem to lead unhappy lives.
They fall prey to narcissism, drugs, divorce, violence and death.
Excessive wealth gets blamed. Not lack of responsibility.
With such a reputation, it’s a wonder anyone strives for wealth.
Yet we know that millions do. And more and more earn it.
There are more millionaires today than there were even last year.
This is the land of opportunity. If you’re not wealthy, it’s your fault.
Accumulating wealth with a specific purpose has positive results.
For example, my 10-year goal is to raise $200 million.
That money is not for me but to fight illiteracy in our country.
42 million Americans can’t read. That’s a national disgrace.
Through my seminars and book sales, we will raise that $200 million.
And a lot of people are already helping me by booking me.
Our foundation will be ready soon to accept donations.
That’s what wealth will permit us to achieve. To make a difference.
How can I help you make a difference in the lives of others?
Tomorrow I’ll tell you about a man who inspired me.
For a head start on making a difference in life click here.

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