Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Finding your stories

We’ve talked a lot about the power of stories to motivate others.
But what stories do you choose that will have that power?
Powerful stories illustrate powerful principles and points.
Develop an an awareness and look for stories everywhere.
Start a story file in your computer or a notebook.
Write a short outline of the story and the point that it makes.
Listen carefully when friends tell you their stories.
Mine your own past experiences and what they taught you.
These may include personal challenges you faced.
Difficult decisions you made. Good and bad choices and results.
Obstacles you and others have had to overcome.
My stories tell about Jimmy, our illiterate pressman.
About our son David and his learning difficulties.
About my own mistakes and the prices I paid.
Before turning in tonight, write one story in your notebook.
Then tell that story to someone you care about.
Tell it to others. The more you tell it, the better you tell it.
With practice, you will embellish it, polish it, enrich it.
Now add a story to your notes that a friend told you.
Practice telling that story. Polish it. Enhance the point it makes.
These ideas come from Suzanne Bates’ "Motivate Like a CEO".
Good book worth reading. More about this next time.
For help with your leadership, please click here.

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