Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Believe in yourself

Rev. Robert Schuller tells this story of a young math major.
He was late for an important test because he stayed up late studying.
At stake was a job as assistant to the math department dean.
If he aced the test, he might get the job, his ticket to graduate school.
Time ran out before he finished the last two problems.
His professor let him work on the problems over the weekend.
The young man copied two other problems from the chalkboard.
By Sunday night he had solved all but the last chalkboard problem.
Around midnight, he gave up and fell asleep.
On Monday he turned in his test believing he would get a poor grade.
He would not get the job nor be able to go to graduate school.
Two days later his professor called. He had just made history.
He had solved one of two "unsolvable" math problems.
Even Albert Einstein had been unable to solve either problem.
Because he was late he did not hear the professor’s explanation.
The other students knew they were unsolvable and didn’t try.
The young math student didn’t know this.
By the way, he won the assistant’s job.
Have you been dissuaded by those who say it can’t be done?
Have you given up a dream because of what naysayers said?
Believe in yourself. Stretch your wings. Go for it with all your heart.
Impossible dreams may not be impossible after all.
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