Thursday, April 16, 2009

Achieve your dreams

Growing up on India’s dusty streets, Krish Dhanam had a dream.
One day he would find success and prosperity in America.
In 1986, he did exactly that. He came with $9 in his pocket.
Today Krish has spoken in 45 states and 52 countries.
We heard him at the Get Motivated seminar in Columbia.
Krish is a powerful speaker and inspiring ambassador for America.
Here are Krish’s seven steps for achieving your goals.
1. Identify your goal. Write it down in specific detail.
2. List all the benefits it will bring to you and yours.
3. Identify all obstacles that could stop you from achieving it.
4. Define the skills and knowledge you will need.
5. Locate those you will need to help you achieve your goal.
6. Write a detailed plan of action.
7. Set a target for achieving it.
I would add one step to Krish’s list.
8. Take action, overcome obstacles and let nothing deter you.
See Krish at
His book is available at
Thanks, Krish, for an inspiring speech and a great list.
To leave a comment, please click on "comment" below.
I did a little inspiring of my own yesterday.
More than 500 Gilbert High students heard my message of hope.
We talked about life goals and great purposes in three sessions.
They heard my big dream: $200 million for literacy.
Money from my book sales and speaking fees go to this cause.
Book sale proceeds will teach an illiterate person to read.
To help me raise $200 million, please click here.

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