Thursday, August 20, 2009

Separate the wheat from the chaff

A blog reader sent me a note about his hectic workplace.
It sounds bureaucratic with busy work and interruptions.
I sent seven vital time savers and recommended a closed door.
He sent me an interesting idea you might employ.
He keeps a white board divided into three areas:
1. Things he may not like but must do in his work.
2. Things he’d like to do if he ever gets around to it.
3. The really productive things that will make a difference.
He has one problem. The No. 1s crowd out time for No. 3s.
That has to be frustrating but it’s his own reality.
I used to suffer this symptom when I worked for someone else.
Now I work for myself and only do No. 3s. No more 1s and 2s.
If you are similarly frustrated, here’s a recommendation.
Ditch or delegate the 1s and 2s. The 3s are the big frogs.
They’re the high payoff projects that make a difference.
If you can’t do that where you work, look elsewhere.
When you work for yourself, you work for a tyrant.
But the sense of freedom is liberating to your creativity.
For a copy of my 7 time savers, drop me a note.
To share your thoughts, click on 'comment' below.
For my Business Tip of the Week, click here.

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