Tuesday, September 29, 2009

9 steps to effective achievement

Highly motivated people keep lists of written goals.
An unwritten goal is still little more than a dream.
Here are the nine I use to set and achieve my goals.
They work every time, time after time, without fail.
1. Think what you want to achieve. Only you can do it.
2. Write in the first person, present tense.
"I feel great about meeting five sales prospects today.
"Their names and contact information . . ."
3. Make them brief. See 14-word goal above.
4. Make them specific. "Five sales prospects."
5. Use feeling words. "I feel great . . ."
6. Stay focused. Block out distractions and time bandits.
You know who the time bandits are. More on that later.
7. Set realistic deadlines on every project.
8. Hold yourself accountable to make those deadlines.
9. Reward yourself for achieving each goal.
Yes, reward yourself. It increases your motivation.
We’ll talk about time and productivity Thursday.
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