Thursday, September 24, 2009

Master your creative genius

Are you a creative problem solver and can-do person?
Do you share my belief that there's a genius inside you?
Don’t these times demand more creative thought?
The economy is in the tank. So are many of our clients.
Can we do business they way we did 18 months ago?
I’ll share 17 creative tactics at the NNA convention.
It’s Saturday in beautiful Mobile. Hope you’ll join us.
Here are five of the tactics. If you want the rest, email me.
1. Day dream in technicolor with the end in mind.
Visualize your results and how it will feel to achieve them.
2. Use a planner — it will save you lots of time.
They’re an inexpensive investment in your future.
3. Write your short- and long-range goals.
Short are for the next 12 months. Long the next 5 years.
4. List all the action steps with deadlines.
This is critical. You must visualize each task along the way.
You must give each task a realistic deadline and meet it.
5. Post your goals where you can review them daily.
How about beside your computer or the bathroom mirror?
Feeling fired up? My friend, start your pen or pencil.
For more on creativity, please click here.
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1 comment:

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