Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What's your life sentence?

Claire Booth Luce challenged her friends to write a life sentence.
"Summarize your life in one sentence," she urged.
Mrs. Luce was an accomplished actress, writer and diplomat.
She was married to Henry Luce, founder of Time magazine.
With a magazine entitled Time, time had to be on her mind.
Her challenge is one worth addressing.
Summarize the importance of your life in a single sentence.
What would you write? How often would you rewrite it.
A single sentence forces us to focus on what’s important.
What is our life’s purpose? What have we done with it?
That's your life sentence. Write it as if you've done it.
For help, read my book "Your Life’s Great Purpose".
It was written for one reason alone.
It will help you find your great purpose in life.
My Midlands Tech course is based on this book.
In seven weeks starting tomorrow, find your great purpose.
Classes meet 6-8 p.m. at MTC’s Harbison Campus.
You’ll also receive a free, autographed copy of my book.
Just call 732-0432 to register with a charge card or:
Go to www.mtctraining.com
Search Your Life’s Great Purpose for details.
Deadline for registration is 5 p.m. today.
Don’t miss out on this great opportunity.
If you have a comment, please click on comment below.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really think this exercise is well worth the thought and effort. I once heard another teacher and mentor mention your life's sentence. To sum up your life, who you are and what you really stand for in one sentence is not easy. But well worth taking time to mull it over and to write it down.