Thursday, September 3, 2009

What if you died tomorrow?

Would you feel you had given this life all you had to give?
Would you feel you had completed your life’s great purpose?
How many people do? How many never find their purpose?
How many go to the grave with their music still inside them?
We’re all put in this life for a great purpose.
Yet we come with no instruction manual.
We have to find our great purpose on our own.
That’s one of life’s great challenges to us.
I wrote "Your Life’s Great Purpose" for one reason only.
To help you find your great purpose.
It took me many years in many jobs to find mine.
I bagged groceries and stocked shelves. Drove trucks.
Ground optical lenses. Delivered newspapers.
Sold insurance. Managed a warehouse and VIP hotel.
None did the trick. Then one day I found it.
It turned me on. It took over my life. It drove me.
I wished someone had given me a book like this years ago.
It would have shortened my own search for meaning.
For my book, "Your Life’s Great Purpose", just click here.
Or take my Wednesday evening course at Midlands Tech.
In seven weeks starting Sept. 9, you’ll find your great purpose.
You’ll also receive a free, autographed copy of my book.
Just call 732-0432 to register with a charge card.
Or go to and search Your Life’s Great Purpose.

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