Sunday, December 20, 2009

Frog eating made easy

Time starvation erodes your productivity.
Ever felt completely drained of energy?
John Zenoni called it “stripped clean as a sapling”.
Most of your “to do” list not been touched?
Here are three tips to help you manage the muddle.
1. Just close your door.
Put a sign on it: “I’m busy. Come back later.”
Lock the door to keep the Time Bandits out.
Don’t let these jerks steal your day.
Work at home? Tell the kids you’ll be busy.
“Draw me a picture, honey, or write me a story.
“Give me an hour, then we’ll go shopping.”
2. Put everything in your in-box.
Nothing gets lost that way. Quit hunting.
Just sort the in-box and you’ll find it.
In fact, prioritize the in-box.
Put the really important stuff on top.
That way, you get to it at the start of the day.
3. Tackle the big frogs first.
Mark Twain advised swallowing a frog each morning.
If you’ve got two, swallow the bigger one first.
Mark meant tackle the big payoff projects first.
That's when you’re fresh and ready to work.
Don’t let the little stuff bog you down.
To share a time saver, click on “comment”.
For more time savers, email me.
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