Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The shame of our country

Public education has failed us. Or we’ve failed it.
The dream was a 100% literate America.
Have we accomplished it? Not yet.
Know how many illiterates live in America?
One study shows a staggering 42 million.
And worse, that number grows 1 million a year.
Imagine with me that you could not read this.
How would your life be different?
Lets say you can read a “Stop” sign.
Maybe “Men” and Women” you know where.
But read a menu? A book? A newspaper? This blog?
You would be lost. And you would be ashamed.
Ashamed that you cannot read and write.
You would find ways to have others read for you.
We once lost a good pressman who could not read.
He was printing newspapers he could not read.
When his secret was discovered, he vanished.
We never saw him again. His secret had been uncovered.
I’ve thought about Jimmy and what we might have done.
We could have got him remedial reading help.
It could have made a major difference in his life.
But he felt humiliated and embarrassed.
Do 42 million others live with this stigma daily?
Want to help those 42 million Jimmys and Janes?
Reading and writing are twin blessings.
My 10-year goal: Raise $200 million for literacy.
If we can’t help them all, we can help millions.
Some of the money will come from sales of my books.
Some will come from my speaking and seminar fees.
Want to help? Buy my books for those who can read.
Give your loved ones the gift of knowledge.
It will make a difference in their lives.
Just go to www.JerryBellune.com.
Click on Books by Jerry. It's easy to order.
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