Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Independent thinking encouraged

Here's an pre-Independence Day thought for you.
What would we be without non-conformists?
Without contrarians, would we be living in caves?
Radical thinkers are responsible for our progress.
They had the guts to take on conventional wisdom.
Galileo. Columbus. Joan of Arc. Our Founding Fathers.
Some were ostracized. Some burned at the stake.
Think about that five days before Independence Day.
If our ancestors had played it safe we would still be . . .
. . . British subjects, speaking English, not American.
Saying “Jolly good” instead of “You all”.
Don’t shun, avoid or look askance at contrarians.
Don’t pity us or condescend to us.
We play an important role in world progress.
Do you have a contrarian streak in you?
It has not made you wildly popular, has it?
If you tend to think conventionally you need . . .
Drum roll . . . a contrarian to shake up your thinking.
Radical thinking runs in our family.
We shake each other up . . . quite often.
Life is never dull around our place.
If you tend to be super-cautious, tolerate us.
We mean you no harm. Really. Sincerely.
We’re just that way. Welcome us. We will rock you.
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For more unconventional thinking, click here.


Mr Retirement said...

As usual you hit another home run.
Great message.May we all give thanks for living in America by Gods Grace and SC by choice.
Don L Roy

Mr Retirement said...

The Judicial Committee are
holding hearings on Elena Kagan. Based on her past behavior I feel that she will be a 30 to 40 year nightmare to all who believe in The Constitution. Please contact as many Committee members as you can.

Alice Thomas said...
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