Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Two words for a happy marriage

One of my worst mistakes was made out of ego.
I was ambitious, headstrong and career driven.
We lived on a golf course at the foot of the mountains.
My family was happy and so was I . . . relatively.
But the challenges of the job had been conquered.
I was growing restless and eager for a new challenge.
Along came an offer. Bigger challenge. Bigger paycheck.
Despite my families misgivings, I accepted the job.
I conquered the new challenges . . . then was fired.
I did what they hired me to do. That was the end of that.
I’m fortunate I didn’t lose my marriage and children.
I have since learned the two words for a happy marriage.
Yes. That’s right. They are: “Yes, dear.”
Here are five tips to enrich your relationships:
1. Be realistic about your relationships.
You and your partner won’t like everything about each other.
Think of what you like. Don’t dwell on what you dislike.
Do the same with your children, parents and friends.
2. Support each other. Life’s hard. We need support.
God gives us tests of character almost every day.
We all need someone watching our backs.
3. List 10 things you like about your spouse.
Put it in your wallet or purse and read it from time to time.
It’s OK to add to it, too, when you find a new one you like.
You’ll do yourself a favor to do the same for your children.
4. Spend 10 minutes each day talking with your spouse.
Talk about anything but work, chores or anything unpleasant.
Talk about dreams. What to do this weekend. On vacation.
5. Compliment your spouse on something he or she did.
Show appreciation. Affection. Respect. Love.
Heard a good joke? Share a laugh together.
And practice saying “Yes, dear”. They are golden words.

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