Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Napoleon was forced
to retreat from Russia

Do what you do best

Pamela Geer knows the frustration of growing a business.
She writes that she often looks for the grandiose strategy.
When that becomes overwhelming, no real action is taken.
She now follows Food Network star Paula Deen’s example:
Start where you are and start with what you know best.
That’s powerfully simple advice, she writes.
“I plan to do it right now in the next steps I take.”
Thanks, Pamela. You are a role model for the rest of us.
We live in desperate times. Don’t count on a fast recovery.
We tend to think these times call for desperate measures.
That only make us look desperate to clients and colleagues.
Napoleon’s invasion of Russia is a classic example.
He had not counted on the Russian winter or the Russians.
The Russians burned everything as they retreated.
They left nothing for the French Army to forage.
Then the winter set in and the invasion failed.
Assess your strengths. At what do you excel?
Like Paula Deen and her sandwiches, do what you do best.
Next, assess your weaknesses. What don’t you like to do?
What do you feel uncomfortable doing? Do not do well?
Find someone with those strengths to work with you.
They may be a partner, friend, relative or employee.
We can’t be all things to our friends or our clients.
Do what we excel at and find others to do the rest.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All of my career, I've been roped into doing things I don't like to do--which take up *so* much time. But I still haven't figured out how to just say no to friends who want my time. Got any ideas on graceful ways to say no?