Sunday, May 22, 2011

Making good decisions

Which direction
will you choose?

Some think conservatives are selfish.
That they do not care for others.
They are welcome to think what they want.
I am a realist and a proud conservative.
I am not selfish nor care only for myself.
Those who know me know that.
I do NOT believe in handouts to the poor.
I do NOT believe in making others dependent.
For their votes or for any ulterior motive.
Experience in charity work taught me a lot.
It taught me about the downside of handouts.
They tend to keep people dependent.
Some think that is an uncharitable attitude.
I cannot change minds. Think what you want.
But I have been hungry. I have been cold.
I have been down on my luck - and hated it.
I have done without because I was broke.
But I never looked for a handout.
I had too much pride to seek one.
I learned long ago about two kinds of decisions.
You can decide to be wealthy.
Or you can decide to be poor.
You can decide to be a victim and blame others.
Or you can decide to hold yourself accountable.
Poor decisions are easy to make.
They are very hard to live with.
Good decisions are harder to make.
But they are far easier to live with.
The decisions are yours to make.
Once made, you live with them - like it or not.
We discuss this in our latest book.
It’s “Killer Secrets of Successful Entrepreneurs”
For more about that, click here.


Ken Gasque said...

This bears repeating. Again and again and again, from The Lexington Chronicle to the halls of congress. We are responsible for our condition. Very good article.

B. Frank Boyd said...

A great and straight-to-the-point blueprint for accountability. Don't let the key drivers of the "decision making" process of your life be made by others. This seems to be a sticking point for so many. Indeed, we do reap what we sow. Time and again as Mr. Gasque points out, "We are responsible for our condition" as a result of our decisions, good or bad. And, I consider myself to be a passionate, as well as compassionate conservative. Thank you, Jerry, for this timely message.