Monday, May 16, 2011

Passion and purpose

How to find your
life’s great purpose

A friend breaks a big sales rule.
He talks more than he listens.
That could be fatal. It works for him.
He's a quick study.
He reads prospects fast.
He seems to know what clients need.
He finds out what they want.
Wants may be stronger than needs.
He has answers to your questions.
Solutions to your problems.
Products that satisfy your needs and wants.
Even a few that will fulfill your dreams.

Here are three secrets of his success.
1. He is an amazingly generous man.
He’s generous with his time and his money.
He truly believes that giving comes before receiving.
That heightens his credibility with others.
2. He cares about others and their challenges.
He will go way out of his way to help his fellow man.
Someone like that is worthy of your trust.
Wouldn’t you rather buy from someone like that?
3. He drives himself mercilessly.
He is always in overdrive - 24/7/365.
He can do that because he loves what he does.
He takes care of business. He leaves nothing to chance.
You know if you deal with him everything will go well.
So what if he talks too much when he should listen.
It’s all about values, beliefs, purpose and trust.

If you value other people, they will value you.
If you believe in what you do, people will respect that.
We all appreciate that in others.
We trust those who have a clear and definite purpose.
Pursue your purpose with great passion.
It is the only way to get 100% out of life.
For more on this, click here.

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