Monday, November 21, 2011

Strategic appreciation

What ranks higher than money on attitude surveys?
"Appreciation and recognition," most folks say.
We don't want ours just working for a paycheck.
We want them to take pride in what they do.
We want them to feel a sense of purpose.
We want them to share our sense of mission.

Appreciation shows we care about all our clients.
That means the people we pay and those who pay us.
Here's a good example of that in action.

Our friend Pat Strubbe invited me to a party last week.
It was his annual Client Appreciation Dinner.
More than 150 people showed up.
Pat held a drawing for gifts for those attending.
These included my "Life's Great Purpose" books.
The reception to the books was enthusiastic.
Others wanted autographed copies, too.
Pat was showing appreciation for his clients' faith in him.
Pat's business is managing their investments.
He offers them a "worry-free retirement".
You have to trust someone to give them your nest egg.

Answer these questions as the holidays approach:
1. How do you show your clients appreciation?

2. How do you show your employees appreciation?

3. How do you show your loved ones appreciation?

Appreciation will make a connection with other people.
It is a great trust and confidence builder.

Here's wishing you the best Thanksgiving ever.
For more on "Your Life's Great Purpose" email me.

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